Our Community

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
— Margaret Mead

What does “community” mean to Us as an organization?

In the broadest sense “a community” is a group of a people connected by a common feature - whether that is geography, a shared interest, passion, or purpose.

Our community is one that is

  • built on the foundation of our values (non-judgment, inclusivity, respect, safety, and awareness.)

  • united in the spirit of creating positive change through raising awareness and advocacy work.

  • grounded in the importance of collaboration across diverse experiences and backgrounds (individuals, families, professionals, and so on.)

From those who follow our content to those who create it, we are all valued members in this community.

Coordinators of Vancouver Island Voices for Eating Disorders

We are a grass-roots, flat-structured organization, meaning we do not have hierarchical roles in our leadership structure. Our core coordinators are simply a group of passionate individuals who contribute as they can, to our projects and plans. We are composed in this way to honour the natural flux of our needs, time, and personal lives.

Below are a few of our coordinating members, but we would not be here without others whose right to privacy, we honour.


Shaely Ritchey

She/they. Originally from Northern B.C. but currently living on traditional Lək̓ʷəŋən territory. Nursing background. Passionate advocate for mental health (with a special focus on eating disorders.) Co-founder of Vancouver Island Voices for Eating Disorders. Volunteer with Looking Glass B.C. Lover of nature and animals. Amateur photographer, artist, and writer.

IG (main): @tatlioca | (art account): @shay.dood.les | Website

Kalina Hunter

She/her. Uninvited settler on Lək̓ʷəŋən lands where she is finishing the last few months of a nursing degree. Passionate advocate for adding trauma therapy into eating disorder treatment settings. Has a special interest in how childhood experiences impact brain development, functioning, and behaviour. Lover of many creative endeavours, from playing violin to painting to searching for sea glass on the beach.


Stacey Owens

She/her. Mother, writer, and artist living on the West Coast of Canada. Stacey is a certified holistic health coach, pursuing further studies in psychology. She provides personal coaching (Body Wise Coaching) for those recovering from disordered eating and eating disorders, and runs the Body Liberation Book Club.

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Sally Chaster

She/they. Sally has a background in government work, two children, and is a passionate advocate for those struggling with eating disorders and related mental health issues (with a special interest in the older adult population.) She co-founded the Victoria Eating Disorder Peer Support Group and VIVED.


Victoria Lee

She/her. Early twenties and living on South Vancouver Island. Lover of art journaling. Aspiring writer of mental health prose and interest in eating disorder advocacy. With the lived experience of working towards her own recovery, Victoria is passionate about spreading messages of self-acceptance, mindfulness, and compassion to the world around her.

Sara Maximus

She/her. Born in Penticton, BC, Sara grew up in Manitoba and currently resides in Saanichton on traditional W̱SÁNEĆ territory. She studied illustration, graphic design, front-end web development, multimedia, and photography. She worked as a Senior Graphic Web Designer. She is also an aspiring artist and photographer, lover of all animals, tree hugger, and mental health advocate.

IG: @redsaidfred