VIVED Community Supports

VIctoria eating disorder peer support group

Victoria ED Peer Support Group Bi-Weekly Schedule every other Monday

Peer support group Zoom meetings are every other Monday (except STAT holidays) from 6:30-8:00 PM PST on the dates listed above.

Group may be held during the following STAT holidays if there is enough interest and facilitators available on February 17th, September 1st, and October 13th. Please check our private Facebook group for confirmation and zoom link.

If there are no attendees, our facilitators will keep the group space open for 15 minutes before closing. The Zoom link is posted on the day of the meeting in our private Facebook groups.

  • Currently open to everyone, you don’t have to be local.

  • Supports individuals age 18+ who struggle with disordered eating and eating disorders. No diagnosis required to join.

  • A safe, non-judgmental, inclusive space for all.

  • Peer facilitators are in varying places of recovery or recovered and do not provide therapy. This may not be appropriate for every attendee, we encourage you to seek professional support.

  • A space to connect and coordinate volunteer opportunities for VIVED projects and events.

  • Opportunities to connect as peers and coordinate activities (e.g. art, adventures in nature, searching for sea glass, etc.)

VIVED Volunteers & Activities Group

Education Inservices

Our team is happy to provide educational in-services from a person(s) with lived/living experience (PWLLE) perspective on how to be supportive to those experiencing eating disorders, though it is important to note that everyone is individual.

We are not trained professionals and cannot provide education on eating disorders; the focus of any education we provide is simply on ways to be supportive. If you are interested in educational opportunities with us, you can contact us via our e-mail ( or our contact page.

Educational opportunities are free of charge (though you’re welcome to make a donation if you are interested or have the means).